I just wanted to say thanks for your patience. We all have had time to think and listen to God over the summer and it may be good to get together and pray and hear how God has been speaking to each of us about a future Boiler Room in Belfast.
Some of us had an opportunity to visit the London City Boiler room at the end of June and join with other people who were thinking about, or already in the process of starting Boiler Rooms. That was quite an experience.
One thought that I would like to share from that day was about "Incarnation" that Andy freeman shared with us- Boiler Rooms are incarnational they do not just pray for our community but are in the community. How can we be Jesus in our city? How can we share Jesus in our city? How can we establish a community that is:
A Prayerful community- with a daily prayer rhythm
A Creative community- artistic expression
A Hospitable community- eg The Rule of Benedict says 'treat people as you would Christ'.
A Missional community- outreach and evangelism
A Learning community- discipleship, and
A Merciful community- loving mercy and walking humbly with our God.
If you have any questions about Boiler Rooms please don't hesitate to ask, I'm certainly not an expert, but will attempt an answer. Or first look at http://www.boiler-rooms.com/cm/ . Hopefully Nigel Smith who has been working in the West London Boiler Room will be there when we meet and will be able to fill in the gaps.
We are hoping to meet at:
May St Church Belfast (behind the City Hall in direction of Waterfront Hall)
Thursday 8th September
7pm for coffee starting 730pm.
Entry by door at rear of church. There is a car park beside the church which is accessed from the road at the rear of the church.
If anyone cannot make this meeting could we meet together over coffee sometime to hear where you are coming from, I don't want to exclude anyone. If you know someone else who has a heart for Belfast and this vision of a Boiler room please pass this on to them.
Please let me know who is coming so I know how many sticky buns to get!