07 June 2006

Two statues

Just noticed that I started bloging about the prayer walks with a picture of a statue of a man(Stalin)and finished with a similar statue (Carson).
If only they had been holding up Holy hands in prayer what a different world this would be!

Prayer Walk Ten

Stormont- Global Day of Prayer Site- Massey Ave- Hawthornden Way- Upper Newtownards Rd
Every picture tells a story...
If Gideon or Samson were here would this be a pillar to be pushed down?
We walked quickly to cover the ground pausing most at the site of the GDP that was to follow on the next afternoon. There was a lot of talk about prosperity and a prayer that God would cause the people of this area to be good stewards.
And so the walks came to an end, some feet sorer than others. If everywhere our feet had trod were given to us, then the city is the Lord's, for it was in His name we walked.
Be exalted O Lord. Posted by Picasa

Prayer Walk Nine

Lower Newtownards Rd-Albertbridge Rd-Mountpottinger Rd
Our walk took us through areas where the people are oppressed by the ghosts of the past: the loss of the Titanic, Edward Carson and his Ulster Volunteer Force and the loss of industry, and by the spectres of the present: the paramilitary thugs 'protecting' the citizens from the 'evil' foe/s, vandalism, drug and alcohol abuse and suicide. Once again we have found a sectarian bonfire close to a masonic hall, why should we be surprised; they are both involved in idolatry.
There are many strongholds to come down in this area and before the people are freed from their fear and opression. And yet the flame of the Gospel still burns within the numerous wee churches; but it needs to be taken out into the streets. Mat5:14f You are the light of the world... Posted by Picasa

02 June 2006

Who is this masked man?

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Prayer Walk Eight

Sent out from the Pray4Belfast group to pray around Ravenhill Rd-Woodstock-Castlereagh and Cregagh.
Prayer for church unity, nearly as many churches as pubs. Streetreach has been used by God in this area.
Prayer for the young people and prayer that people would not raise up idols of any sort but rather seek the Lord.
"Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord?
Only he who has clean hands and
has not lifted up his eyes to an idol." Posted by Picasa

Prayer Walk Seven

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More a wander than a walk, lead by the Spirit to pray for trapped children. Pray release in the Spirit! We hold the key!