07 May 2007

“Old marching orders are good marching orders.”

Just when you thought it was safe to visit the blog!
We have been rather quiet on the Wee Prayer Room Thing and its alter ego Beautiful Feet over the last wee while and from a personal level it could be quite disheartening to turn up week on week not knowing who if anyone is going to be there.
So lets get back to what we believed we heard God say...and as a wise old church leader once said “Old marching orders are good marching orders.”
As far as I know the plan hasn't changed. When we meet nearly two years ago! wow! is it that long? We believed that God was asking us to prepare the ground for a 24/7prayer boiler room type thing. We had believed that God was wanting to put together a community of people who were passionate about praying for Belfast, that reaches out with the Gospel, serves the poor, who express the creativity that God gives us and who are hospitable and want to be discipled.
We have been on a pilgrimage together, we have had amazing times in prayer experiencing the glory of God, the weight of His presence, times of creativity, of great feasts together, a rhythm of prayer was established first in May St and then in Calvary Christian Centre and we have begun sharing soup and rolls with some people who do not have homes.
So why am I sharing all this?
Was the vision we had back in 2005 a good marching order?
Sometimes when we do not hear God speak on a subject for a while we decide to move on, drop the ball and forget it. But if God spoke then and it was a good order then it has not changed, our God has not changed, it is us who have changed.
This year is significant, this time is significant for the Kingdom, let us count the cost and let us not grow weary in doing good.

Phil3:13...Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

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