20 June 2005

The cross is in the field

Living Well are planning an outreach on the 12th July this year and will be using May St church as a prayer base.
Last year at the Tara Festival a group of us were inspired to erect a 'cross in the field' after listening to Godfrey Birthills version of the James Montgomery song 'Lift up your heads' (words below).This year when Godfrey was in the Ulster Temple he sang that song and Priscilla Reid commented on the significance of the 'field' in our culture. On 12th July 2004 a group of people gathered at the Passionate Cafe to lift up Jesus in praise, in prayer and share Him through acts of service and evangelism. That venue is gone so this year we are taking the cross to the field!

We desire to release praise over the city, to show the relevance of the Gospel and to show real life! We will be driving a lorry ahead of the 12th day parade and with a cross attached to the front of it. Paul and Beulah Shields will be leading praise from the back of the lorry and a bunch of others will be walking along side giving out bottles of water with a message to the crowds.
When we near the field we will detach the cross from the lorry and carry it into the field (hopefully to be confirmed).
Our base will be May St church, where we will have breakfast and pray.
Please, please pray for us.

Lift Up Your Heads (Alleluia)
Lift up your heads , you gates of brass!
You bars of iron yield!
And let the King of glory pass;
The cross is in the field.

Alelluia....Alelluia...Alelluia.... Alelluia.........
Alelluia....Alelluia...Alelluia.... Alelluia.........

You armies of the living God
Stand in your Captains might
Go where no hallowed feet have trod
Arise My warrior bride!

O fear not, faint not, halt not now;
Don't quit, like men be strong,
To Christ shall every nation bow,
And sing with you this song.

Uplifted are the gates of brass
The bars of iron yield
Behold the King of glory pass
The cross has won the field!

James Montgomery 1771-1854 (Moravian Hymn book)
Godfrey Birtill (Music) & Adaptation
2003 © Whitefield Music Admin Copycare.

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