27 June 2005

Movilla Abbey Newtownards. A ruin of a 12th century replacement of a 6th century monastic training centre where Columba started his training. (Its just round the corner from where I live!) Posted by Hello

24 June 2005

Notes from 22 April 2005 (CFC had invited Brian Heasley and Phil Togwell over to speak at Helix)

24/7 meeting at CFC:
Phil Togwell- discribed 24/7 as mission minded prayer, and as a group of people seeing the vision at a corporate level rather than at a leadership level- they see the body that is 24/7 as 'companions of the heart'..
He asked us "what do you want?"
Church has tried to be united for unity's sake. But let's pray together and do mision together and seek the presence of God.
24/7 is a cycle of prayer and mission.

Harry Smith- we are in a painful process, birthing something (Is66 6:7 "Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son. ISA 66:8 Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children.ISA 66:9 Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?" says the LORD. "Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?" says your God.

So what's the cost? Cost is high but grace is enough. But what about the giants -we don't need to be giants to face giants

Brian Heasley- There is a difference between a prayer room and a Boiler room. A place of prayer and love.

I (Mark)think the question we need to ask (that wasn't asked on Friday) is
· "are you/we [am I] ready to pay the price?"

It would seem that those keen to see a Boiler room in Belfast should get together, a lot of those there today were people who had done or were doing 24/7 events; although Gareth from Dungannon is well on his way to seeing a Boiler room there.

2 things of note from the later Helix session in CFC. Brian Heasley said:
· 'God is looking for donkeys to carry Jesus into our cities'. and
· that he was 'called to Ibiza to plant a missional community'
David Hines said he didn't want to do a Boiler room in Belfast for the sake of doing a Boiler room. He is right we need to be involved in this for the sake of the Kingdom, not because it is the next great idea to come along, but because we know that we know that God has said it.
1. Has God said it?
2. Has God said it to you?

Are we to be part of establishing a missional community in Belfast that will not just take the Gospel to Belfast but to Ireland, Europe and from the outer most parts of the world back to Jerusalem?
Patrick thought that when he had reached all of Ireland (which he considered the outer most part of the world) that Christ would return. However, in the interveening time people groups have developed who have not heard the Gospel in the areas where once the Gospel was known and now need to be re-reached so that we will see Christ return in our generation.
Patrick reached all of Ireland as did Wesley in the 18th century, but succeeding works have not significantly reached the catholic community of Ireland...Come on! Lets see that happen.

Its church Jim but not as we know it...yes Boiler Rooms are not churches, but what are they if they are not? Is it not that they are church in the true sense of the word; a group of people in community that are seeking to fulfill the Great commission of Jesus, to go make disciples of all nations.

Fathers...I was not exactly the oldest person at the Helix conference at CFC but I did sense that God was saying that we, who are older, are to be parents, fathers and mothers to this emerging generation.

20 June 2005

The cross is in the field

Living Well are planning an outreach on the 12th July this year and will be using May St church as a prayer base.
Last year at the Tara Festival a group of us were inspired to erect a 'cross in the field' after listening to Godfrey Birthills version of the James Montgomery song 'Lift up your heads' (words below).This year when Godfrey was in the Ulster Temple he sang that song and Priscilla Reid commented on the significance of the 'field' in our culture. On 12th July 2004 a group of people gathered at the Passionate Cafe to lift up Jesus in praise, in prayer and share Him through acts of service and evangelism. That venue is gone so this year we are taking the cross to the field!

We desire to release praise over the city, to show the relevance of the Gospel and to show real life! We will be driving a lorry ahead of the 12th day parade and with a cross attached to the front of it. Paul and Beulah Shields will be leading praise from the back of the lorry and a bunch of others will be walking along side giving out bottles of water with a message to the crowds.
When we near the field we will detach the cross from the lorry and carry it into the field (hopefully to be confirmed).
Our base will be May St church, where we will have breakfast and pray.
Please, please pray for us.

Lift Up Your Heads (Alleluia)
Lift up your heads , you gates of brass!
You bars of iron yield!
And let the King of glory pass;
The cross is in the field.

Alelluia....Alelluia...Alelluia.... Alelluia.........
Alelluia....Alelluia...Alelluia.... Alelluia.........

You armies of the living God
Stand in your Captains might
Go where no hallowed feet have trod
Arise My warrior bride!

O fear not, faint not, halt not now;
Don't quit, like men be strong,
To Christ shall every nation bow,
And sing with you this song.

Uplifted are the gates of brass
The bars of iron yield
Behold the King of glory pass
The cross has won the field!

James Montgomery 1771-1854 (Moravian Hymn book)
Godfrey Birtill (Music) & Adaptation
2003 © Whitefield Music Admin Copycare.

18 June 2005

New Celtic Cross
Art is an important aspect of expressive prayer. Email prayer art to me and I will attempt to post it or even post it to your own blog and I could put a link to it. Thanks Posted by Hello


I'm hoping to use this to advertise future prayer events in Belfast City centre. I hope it is of help. You can contact me with prayer info by email to the address on our picture. Mark