15 November 2005

Moveable boiler room

First off; thanks to all who came out to pray last Thursday night, for the walkers and worshipers.
Our prayer walk coincided with Scottish pipers serenading the shoppers, we prayed, we declared and we moved against the flow. Always the way!
Some of us had just seen the appliqué picture of the river flowing from the temple in May St's Sanctuary Cafe [No Quasimodo jokes please!]- check out Ezekiel 47, so we flowed out with the Spirit.
Prayer that flowed:
for the city,
for warfare (bagpipe -a weapon of war) in the Spirit,
against the sins of invasion
for the people
against the darkness, the satanic web that tries to cover and deceive people into consumerism etc
against the ### shop in Smithfield, near where the old city gates were
repentance for the sexual sin that is prevalent in the church
for the media
for the people who are attracted to The Front Page (underage ) and the Kremlin (gay) bars
for Christians to infiltrate there and be salt and light
for true intimacy
contact with the gay community...
We then came across two couples, one female, one male at the front of the Kremlin, the male couple were J... and his friend who were both very young and high/drunk. They asked us to walk with them and then disappeared across the road for J...'s friend to retrieve his school blazer and bag from another bar (Mint). J...'s friend's parting words as he staggered across the road through the traffic were "I'm the next generation of Belfast you know!" Some of us wept as we prayed for him...
Walking towards the front of St. Anne's we met a woman at Writers Square who said "Can I borrow a phone? I can't find my husband!" We obliged, Chrissie shared Jesus with her as the rest of us prayed. Prayer for missing husbands.
As we walked down Donegal St towards North St. we were met by some well dressed gentlemen of the masonic persuasion so felt led to go pray outside their haunt in Rosemary St, and for the clairvoyant who frequents the rooms above Fresh Garbage.

It would be great to see you all at May St next week. Please tell your friends. We might not be walking but that should become a regular occurrence in future; there's lots we haven't let the soles of our feet touch and claim yet.

Next Thursday can we make it a worship and prayer night?
So calling all musicians, and worshippers
let us worship Him in Spirit and in truth.
Bring an instrument, and your voice, and a song to share -1Cor 14:26.

08 November 2005

Last Wednesday night we went awanderin'

What a night!
Lurgan was amazing!
Worship was amazing!
People shared their passion -for prayer, -for mission -but most of all for Jesus.
What did we want the night to be? -
David Hines kicked off prophetically with 2 Tim1:6 -We have a spiritual heritage here in Ireland but we need to fan into flame what God has put into us. Nigel wanted new friends and Rachael wanted to see things stirred up.
We prayed for the people in the towns below:
Portadown - Pete etc - God is stirring people up to pray for Portadown. Prayer ->Service -> Mission. Awesome God!
Ballynahinch - Heather - Churches working together through the Edge. Different churches - weekends of prayer...Prayer and Presence.
Kilkeel - Chris - Jim's youth drop in centre. People called to pray for the town, and prayer walks round the town. (80-90 people have become Christians this year in K!)
Methodists - Judith (I remembered!) - Irish Methodists are embarking on a year of prayer 36 groups to cover the 52 weeks, starting this week in Bray. Gillian - a picture of Ireland with lots of candles lit all over it.
Lurgan - Rick -desire to pray for the town and to bless the community, their prayer room has just closed and are looking for somewhere? What next? Something more?
Margaret Clarke - Global Day of Prayer - Secretary of State has not granted Stormont grounds for 2006 yet. GDP African team coming to Ulster Temple 18th Nov 10am. Come and join.
Phil Togwell (24/7Prayer UK base leader) shared that at the end of a week of prayer at his church his daughter (3) moved through the crowd and kissed everyone - but God was there and she was passing on thank you kisses from the Father. He continued saying that 24/7 is a movement, nothing has happened by design it is God doing this and we are only joining in with what He is doing. Join in with this God thing...

Q: What do you want to do?