18 September 2006

Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord?

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On Saturday 16th September the Pray4Belfast group set out to be obedient to the Lord's leading. They split into four groups and dispersed to three hilltops surrounding Belfast: Cave Hill, Craigantlet and Sleive Croob. (One group remained at Covenant Love Church to intercede for the 3 groups). Andy and I had the priviledge to join the group going to Slieve Croob. We went with the mandate of inviting the Lord to come into our city. We as representatives of the city swung wide the gates to let the King of Glory enter in. (see Ps24) We had communion, worshiped, cried out in repentance, placed stakes in the ground, and built commemmorative cairns of 12 stones on each site. We proclaimed God's rule and reign over Belfast. Come Holy Spirit, come Lord Jesus.