17 December 2006

House bundle

This is a house bundle...the refugees of conflicts in Europe were seen to carry their possessions in tightly wrapped bundles.

The WPRT is about to move to new accommodation...watch this spot.

11 December 2006

The Continental Market at the Belfast City Hall Posted by Picasa
We have embarked on another wee prayer room thing mad adventure, how does a wee prayer shack sound? Set in the grounds of the City Hall amongst the market stalls from across Europe. For this wee adventure we have joined forces with Eclipse and with Worship Ireland...to pray, worship and not just tell people the Good News of Christmas but be there to pray for them and give out a few CD's and sweets in the process.
The shed is facing the Merry Monk beer tent and a big fudge stall. Come down and join us.

18 September 2006

Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord?

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On Saturday 16th September the Pray4Belfast group set out to be obedient to the Lord's leading. They split into four groups and dispersed to three hilltops surrounding Belfast: Cave Hill, Craigantlet and Sleive Croob. (One group remained at Covenant Love Church to intercede for the 3 groups). Andy and I had the priviledge to join the group going to Slieve Croob. We went with the mandate of inviting the Lord to come into our city. We as representatives of the city swung wide the gates to let the King of Glory enter in. (see Ps24) We had communion, worshiped, cried out in repentance, placed stakes in the ground, and built commemmorative cairns of 12 stones on each site. We proclaimed God's rule and reign over Belfast. Come Holy Spirit, come Lord Jesus.

12 July 2006

Another red moon...God must be trying to tell us something!

Red Moon over Ireland on the 11th July. Ps81:1-3, 9 Posted by Picasa

Psalm 81
1 Sing for joy to God our strength; shout aloud to the God of Jacob!
2 Begin the music, strike the tambourine, play the melodious harp and lyre.
3 Sound the ram's horn at the New Moon, and when the moon is full, on the day of our Feast;
4 this is a decree for Israel, an ordinance of the God of Jacob.
5 He established it as a statute for Joseph when he went out against Egypt, where we heard a language we did not understand.
6 He says, "I removed the burden from their shoulders; their hands were set free from the basket.
7 In your distress you called and I rescued you, I answered you out of a thundercloud; I tested you at the waters of Meribah. Selah
8 "Hear, O my people, and I will warn you— if you would but listen to me, O Israel!
9 You shall have no foreign god among you; you shall not bow down to an alien god.
10 I am the LORD your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.
It is significant that on the night when foreign gods are being celebrated across the north of ireland that the Lord chooses to remind us that it is He is the Lord and that He is the one who controls the sun moon and stars (Jer31:35-37). Thanks to Tee who got us up to take this picture!

05 July 2006

SM06- Buzz Posted by Picasa
SM06- Mainstage Worship Posted by Picasa
SM06- Christian Aid Balloon release Posted by Picasa
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SM06- Band of Brothers Posted by Picasa
SM06 -Open Doors Persecuted church fingerprint image Posted by Picasa
SM06 Posted by Picasa
24/5prayerroom Posted by Picasa
SM06 Posted by Picasa

07 June 2006

Two statues

Just noticed that I started bloging about the prayer walks with a picture of a statue of a man(Stalin)and finished with a similar statue (Carson).
If only they had been holding up Holy hands in prayer what a different world this would be!

Prayer Walk Ten

Stormont- Global Day of Prayer Site- Massey Ave- Hawthornden Way- Upper Newtownards Rd
Every picture tells a story...
If Gideon or Samson were here would this be a pillar to be pushed down?
We walked quickly to cover the ground pausing most at the site of the GDP that was to follow on the next afternoon. There was a lot of talk about prosperity and a prayer that God would cause the people of this area to be good stewards.
And so the walks came to an end, some feet sorer than others. If everywhere our feet had trod were given to us, then the city is the Lord's, for it was in His name we walked.
Be exalted O Lord. Posted by Picasa

Prayer Walk Nine

Lower Newtownards Rd-Albertbridge Rd-Mountpottinger Rd
Our walk took us through areas where the people are oppressed by the ghosts of the past: the loss of the Titanic, Edward Carson and his Ulster Volunteer Force and the loss of industry, and by the spectres of the present: the paramilitary thugs 'protecting' the citizens from the 'evil' foe/s, vandalism, drug and alcohol abuse and suicide. Once again we have found a sectarian bonfire close to a masonic hall, why should we be surprised; they are both involved in idolatry.
There are many strongholds to come down in this area and before the people are freed from their fear and opression. And yet the flame of the Gospel still burns within the numerous wee churches; but it needs to be taken out into the streets. Mat5:14f You are the light of the world... Posted by Picasa

02 June 2006

Who is this masked man?

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Prayer Walk Eight

Sent out from the Pray4Belfast group to pray around Ravenhill Rd-Woodstock-Castlereagh and Cregagh.
Prayer for church unity, nearly as many churches as pubs. Streetreach has been used by God in this area.
Prayer for the young people and prayer that people would not raise up idols of any sort but rather seek the Lord.
"Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord?
Only he who has clean hands and
has not lifted up his eyes to an idol." Posted by Picasa

Prayer Walk Seven

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More a wander than a walk, lead by the Spirit to pray for trapped children. Pray release in the Spirit! We hold the key!

31 May 2006

Prayer Walk Six

Such a varied picture but a real expectancy in the Spirit that God is going to do something, the people are ready, waiting.
We walked, we claimed the ground, Lord it is yours.
We talked to 4 young people "Where are you from?...What are you doing?...Praying? What- like to Jesus?!"
Jo8:36 "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

Health warning: Bricks bounce off the new white shinny PSNI land rovers! Posted by Picasa

Prayer Walk Five

Ardoyne- Woodvale- Shankhill
Wow. A mighty Warrior Band of 20+!!!
A cold wind blew but the wind of the Holy Spirit was igniting prayer in our hearts.
Please pray for the churches to lead the way in unity and see the stranglehold of pramilitarism broken and the people set free. Posted by Picasa

Prayer Walk Four

Forestside to Giant's Ring
We went where no hallowed feet had trod...
Two questions from a not yet Christain at the Giant's Ring went something like this:
Are you pagans?
Is a cross a pagan symbol?
Well we went into the ring and praised and rejoiced that the cross was in the field, that Jesus had won the victory over death and hell.
Behold the King of Glory! Posted by Picasa

Prayer Walk Three

Stranmillis-Lisburn Rd-Malone.
Ps113:3-4 From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised! The Lord is high above all nations, and His glory above the heavens.
Prayer for students, ethnic groups, those who think they are rich. Posted by Picasa

Prayer Walk Two

Twelve pray'ers turned out a marathon distance from Dunmurry to Finaghy to Ladybrook to Suffolk to Poleglass to Twinbrook and finished it of with a football match at Areema (Dunmurry).
Lots to pray about especially the young people. Posted by Picasa

Prayer Walk One

What a start to the prayer walking...a bunch of people on their knees at the front of the City Hall in Belfast crying out to God to forgive us and have mercy on us.
Thank you God. May your name be glorified! Posted by Picasa

11 May 2006

These feet were made for praying

We are about to embark on 10days of prayer walking around the city starting on the 25 May and finishing on the 3 June, the day before the global day of prayer. Most walks will start at 7 or 730pm and be finished by 9 or 930pm. Routes will be posted soon on the wee prayer room thing site. The first one will be on Thursday the 25th May starting and finishing at the City Hall Belfast.
So get the dubbin on those boots and pray to know what walks you need to be on. Posted by Picasa

28 April 2006


Last night we had a real bummer of a night, we met to see what the Festival of Fools was all about in Cornmarket. It did do exactly "what it said on the tin."
Praying for the city was difficult when all these people wanted to do was follow a bunch of strange people who 'rehearsed it in 6 hours'according to one onlooker. We needed to tell the city that Jesus Loved them, and yet because the church has run away a bunch of fools played the pipe and the people followed.
We returned to the weeprayerroomthingattic for coffee and more prayer but it was still like praying through toffee.
I heard noises outside and went to investigate, kids ran off when I got out the door. Nigel caught up with me and we found that a car window had been broken in the locked car park.
We started praying and were about to go round the block when a gang of young guys appeared. They were shouting, aggressive and confrontational, we went back indoors just as bottles were thrown at the door. We heard some banging and then Angie came down and said "Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world".
I went out and the rear window of Ruby's car was shattered and the gang took flight.
I went after them and all I could say was "Guys Jesus loves you!". One guy swaggered back towards me squareing up to attack and I had to repeat what I said "Jesus loves you!" He physically withered, he didn't know what to do and walked away. Another one asked was I a Christian and then they all walked away.
Then the clear up, shattered glass all over the cars and street. Sam's car was the one in the carpark and they had climbed into it and tried to steal his cd player.
Nigel prayed that they would continue to hear those words ringing in their minds as they went about their lives. Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Sorry for not going out sooner, sorry for not being a witness on the streets, what is it going to take?
Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord, only he who has clean hands and a pure heart and does not lift up his eyes to an idol.

a wee testimony thing

While I was elbow deep in dishes, staying at Alistair and Caroline's in Finaghy during SummerMadness, God spoke to Angie and I. That was July 2004. Some months later after discerning that it was, in fact, God we put our house on the market.
After a long time ('the first million years are the worst'), well in March 2005 I sensed that God was saying something about the end of the Hebrew month Nisan. I, really to be honest, didn't press in to hear God clearly on this and I wasn't at liberty to share this with everyone but Angie.
We changed estate agents, we tidied like crazy when people came to view...
Then in early 2006 Angie and I prayed about the timing of the house sale. I did sense that it would be sold by the end of Nisan 2006. God allowed me to share publicly that the house would be sold by the end of the month (the Hebrew month overlaps in March and April most years.
On the 23rd April the Pastor and elders of Cornerstone Community Church prayed for us, sent us out and released to minister in Belfast.
On Monday 24th the estate agent rang to ask could we let a couple view the house at 6pm. They came and viewed.
Tuesday: the estate agent brought us the couple's offer, below the asking price...We prayed about it and sensed that the asking price was a fair price, so on...
Wednesday: the agent heard us and put it to the couple, they agreed and offered the asking price. But we sensed that we needed to wait on God until 430pm Friday, I wondered about Friday and when I did a websearch found that Friday the 28th April was in fact the 30th Nisan. The last day of Nisan!
Thursday: we waited even though the agent was getting edgy.
Friday: we waited through anxious phone calls from the agent and finally eased his misery and accepted the asking price offer.
The house is SOLD. Sold before sunset on the 30th Nisan. Hallelujah Praise His Holy Name. The zeal (passion) of the Lord God has accomplished this.

04 April 2006

Chocolate Anyone?

John 6:35 (New International Version - UK)Then Jesus declared, I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.
New International Version - UK (NIVUK)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society
Easter is quickly approaching and those chocolate eggs are getting increasingly closer. Isn't it so good that Jesus described Himself as the Bread of Life rather than the Chocolate of life. We would have missed out on so much...Chocolate disappears so quickly and doesn't have a high GI quotient whereas bread does...and Jesus bread lasts and lasts to eternal life.
Isn't it great that we can talk to Jesus and that He talks to us, sustaining us and building us up for the fight that lies ahead.
Keep praying and don't forget the Methodist Prayer room needs you

13 March 2006

St. Patrick's 24/3prayer

From 8pm Thursday 16th March a new prayer room will be open in May St church's basement. It would be great to see you all there...click here to sign up.

If you want to find out more about the life of Patrick have a look at Richard Treacy's site I recommend the Confession of St Patrick: Pray on St. Patrick's day

See you Thursday, oh if you would like to help set up the prayer room call in.
See ya.

06 March 2006

The wee prayer room thing part 2

And finally, after quite some hassle, the website works!

Check it out at www.theweeprayerroomthing.org - we'll be adding more to the site very soon.

03 March 2006

The wee prayer room thing

Well you stick a couple of crazy names in a hat and ask someone to pull one out, you're bound to get a crazy name. But what I'm glad about is "It does exactly what it says on the tin"!
The website is there to facilitate a signup sheet for the St Patrick's weekend 24/3prayer event in May St Presbyterian Church, Belfast. (16th March 8pm to 19th March 10pm -ok so we can't count).
Please sign up for an hour or more and do come visit us.
A more detailed programme will follow Posted by Picasa